Lost Secrets Of The Reformation
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The princess trope represented passivity, entitlement, materialism, and submissiveness, and no daughter of mine would wear a onesie that celebrated such loathsome values. —Andy Hines, The Atlantic (2013) What’s Wrong with Princesses? In January...
The early councils had as their primary purpose the defense and establishment of truth, not unity. —Rousas J. Rushdoony, Foundations of Social Order (1978) Loving Those Who Hate God? “Should you help the ungodly, and love those who hate God?”...
“There is no other stream,” said the Lion. -C. S. Lewis, The Silver Chair (2009) Wash, and Be Clean Naaman and his entourage pulled up before the prophet’s hovel of a home. Naaman was ready to be impressed and amazed. His master, the king...
…and then there were other people on the island. We called them the Others, and they started attacking us. —Hurley, Lost (2009) The primary role of anthropology thus was a process of ‘inventing the human other’ in order to develop a theory of...
They showed a piece of paper saying “eminent domain.” —Buckner and Garcia, Wreck It, Wreck-It Ralph (2012) Think about it: What the Court said was that the government can take your property from you and give it to someone else simply if it...
“Such are the facts of history. The reader will make his own comments upon them.” —Bishop John Wordsworth “An Act of God.” —The official cause of a fire in an abortion clinic. The Judgment of God? Arius, the arch-heretic condemned at Nicea, stood...
The Scripture clearly teach that there is one human sacrifice that is allowable and proper: the one found in Isaiah 53. —Mitch Glaser, The Gospel According to Isaiah 53 (2012) And they didn’t recognize Him?! -a high school student on first...
For the goddess brings forth the great sun and the bright moon. —Zoroaster, The Chaldean Oracles (c. 250 BC) True spirituality is not achieved in our own energy… It is the power of the crucified, risen, and glorified Christ, through the agency of...
The idea of salvation by one’s own merit prevails in every religion on the face of the earth except Christianity. —Moncure Conway, My Pilgrimage to the Wise Men of the East (1906) This great apocalyptic battle, the greatest fight in history, has...
At the heart of the Holy Bible lies a unique revelation: That the world in general, and the Church in particular, is involved in a spiritual battle of cosmic proportions. –Alan Morrison, The Serpent and the Cross (1994) History in Perspective...
Do you know, Mr. Elijah, that I consider you a little impertinent? —Ishmael in Herman Melville’s Moby Dick (1851) The Shaking of Horeb Wind, earthquake, and fire had shaken Mt. Horeb. After these came a still, small voice. Elijah wrapped his face...
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