The Meaning Of Fatherhood
Fatherhood has been gutted of honor and respect until the most common portrayal of an American father is the spineless, bumbling idiot of television’s situation comedies.
Fatherhood has been gutted of honor and respect until the most common portrayal of an American father is the spineless, bumbling idiot of television’s situation comedies.
Dust in the wind/All we are is dust in the wind. —Kansas (1977) When Life is God For Eastern pantheism, all is One. All life is shared life. All apparent diversity is the manifestation of an underlying cosmic unity. Because all things arise out...
Both the Jews and early Christians regarded the Sabbath as a type or symbol of the world to come. —William Trollpe, Analecta Theologica (1842) The Origin of the Sabbath Unlike the day, the month, and the year, the seven-day week has no basis in...
“The future’s uncertain and the end is always near.” Jim Morrison “I confess my error and acknowledge my disappointment, yet I still believe that the day of the Lord is near.” —William Miller, leader of the Adventist...
At the sound of the true name, the powers of the god stood ready to perform the invoker’s bidding. —Kurt Seligmann, Magic, Supernaturalism, and Religion (1948) Exorcism in Jesus’ Name In the Book of Acts, we learn of some itinerant exorcists who...
We evolve into the images we carry in our minds. We become what we see. —Jerry Mander, Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television (1978) In studying the Bible as a young man, I found intimations of the idea that forms of media favor...
Paul on Mars’ Hill The New Testament records only one sermon of any length directed at a Gentile audience, an audience that knows nothing of the word of God. That sermon is the Apostle Paul’s apologia before the Areopagus in Athens, his sermon on...
Who are you? Whom do you serve? —J. R. R. Tolkien, The Two Towers (1954) Your Identity and Your Mission The Riders of Rohan had swept past the three companions, but when Aragorn called out to them, they wheeled and charged back. Slowly they...
The introduction of our Ford’s first T-Model …. Chosen as the opening date of the new era. All crosses had their tops cut and became T’s. —Aldous Huxley, Brave New World To begin with, he did not know with any certainty that this was...
It is a patent fact… that the chronological element in early Egyptian history is in a state of almost hopeless obscurity. —George Rawlinson, A History of Egypt (1886) The Devastation of Egypt The Exodus destroyed Egypt. Its cattle and crops were...
Wherever politics tries to be redemptive, it is promising too much. Where it wishes to do the work of God, it becomes not divine, but demonic.” —Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI Liberation Theology Liberation theology sprang up in...
The fundamental aim of all magic is to impose the human will on nature, on man or on the super-sensual world in order to master them. —E. M. Butler, Ritual Magic (1949) Anyone who pretends to be interested in magic or the occult for reasons other...
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